About 18th Congress Backup

I. The DSWD Legislative Information System

The DSWD Legislative Information System was conceptualized by the Department Legislative Liaison Office (DLLO) in November 2015 to facilitate access of the general public to the position papers prepared by the DSWD-DLLO in coordination with the Legislative Bill Review Committee (LBRC) members and other concerned Offices/Bureaus/Services/Units on legislative measures concerning the basic sectors it serves. The said system presents basic information on social welfare and development legislative measures and the Department’s official stand and recommendations.

II. The DSWD Priority Legislation for the 18th Congress

1. Social Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDAs) Bill 

Salient Features Authors Status


DSWD’s Position Papers

URL in both Houses of Congress

  •  Seeks to strengthen DSWD’s regulatory functions over public and private individuals, agencies, and organizations engaged in social welfare and development activities;


  •  Provides a mechanism for sanctions in case of non-compliance with standards and procedures set by the DSWD;


  •  Grants benefits and incentives to registered, licensed, and accredited SWDAs in recognition of their importance and invaluable contribution to social welfare and development; and


  • Strengthens the DSWD-Standards Bureau which will be responsible for fulfilling the regulatory functions of the Department
House of Representatives:

House Bill No. (HBN) 6506 in substitution of HB Nos. 3424 and 4796, introduced by Representatives Sandra Eriguel, M.D., Sabiniamo Canama, Alfred Vargas, Paz Radaza, Emmarie Ouano-Dizon, Diego Ty, Angelo Marcos Barba, Ma. Victoria Umali, Carmelo “Jon” Lazatin II, France Castro, Hector Sancez, Rommel Angara, Jocelyn Tulfo, Juliet Marie De Leon-Ferrer, Vincent France Frasco, and Jose Christopher Belmonte

Senate of the Philippines:

Senate Bill No. (SBN) 380, introduced by Senator Leila De Lima

Strengthens the DSWD-Standards Bureau which will be responsible for fulfilling the regulatory functions of the Department


House of Representatives: Referred to the Committee on

Social Services chaired by Representative Alfred Vargas

With Committee Report No. 276, recommending its approval in substitution of HB Nos. 3424 and 4796

For Second Reading

Senate of the Philippines:

Still pending in the Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development chaired by Senator Leila De Lima

Not a priority of the Committee

Senate of the Philippines:

Senate Bill No. (SBN) 380, introduced by Senator Leila De Lima

SWDAs Position Paper SWDAs in House of Representatives









SWDAs in Senate


2. Public Solicitation Bill 

Salient Features Authors Status Link
DSWD’s Position Papers URL in both Houses of Congress
  • Aims to protect the general public from unscrupulous solicitation by strengthening the system of granting permits for charitable and welfare purposes.


  • Identifies the authority to issue permits, defines the modes of solicitation, and prescribes penalties in soliciting funds without a permit, among others.




House of Representatives:

HBN 6451 in substitution of HBN 4341, introduced by Rep. Josephine

Senate of the Philippines:

SBN 281, introduced by Sen. Manuel “Lito” M. Lapid

SBN 851, introduced by Sen. Leila M. De Lima



House of Representatives:

Referred to the Committee on Social Services with Committee Report No. 261 recommending for the approval of HBN 6451

Pending in the Committee on Rules for a calendar for Second Reading (Floor Deliberation)

Senate of the Philippines:

Still pending in the Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development

PubSol Position Paper PubSol in House of Representatives






PubSol in Senate


3. Community-Driven Development Institutionalization Bill 

Salient Features Authors Status Link
DSWD’s Position Papers URL in both Houses of Congress

  • Institutionalizes the Community-Driven Development (CDD) Approach as a national strategy for community empowerment and inclusive development;


  • Ensures the continuous implementation of DSWD Kalahi-CIDSS as the fundamental CDD program of the government that invests in providing capacities and opportunities for community members, particularly the poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged, and marginalized sectors; and


  • Encourages participation in the planning, budgeting, and implementation of community-identified programs, plans, and projects for their efficient and effective implementation
House of Representatives:

HBN 4407, introduced by Rep. Maximo Dalog, Jr.

HBN 4470, introduced by Rep. Lianda Bolilia

HBN 4764, introduced by Rep.  Allen Jesse Mangaoang,

HBN 5250, introduced by Rep.  Jocelyn Sy Limkaichong

HBN 7866, introduced by Rep. Leonardo Babasa, Jr.,

HBN 8935, introduced by Rep.  Alfred Delos Santos,

HBN 9065, introduced by Rep. Alfred Vargas

Senate of the Philippines:

SBN 1057, introduced by Senator Risa Hontiveros

Senate of the Philippines:

Pending in the Senate Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development












CDD in Senate














4. Domestic Administrative Adoption Bill 

Salient Features Authors Status Link
DSWD’s Position Papers URL in both Houses of Congress
  • Provides for and allow simpler and inexpensive domestic administrative adoption proceedings;


  • Mandates the Local Government Units (LGUs) to ensure that necessary Pre- Adoption Services are provided to the biological parents of the child to prevent the child’s separation from them;
  • DSWD or the child-placing or the child-caring agencies which have custody of a child shall exert all efforts using, but not limited to tri-media and any other possible means to locate his/her unknown biological parent/s;


  • The city or municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (SWDO), DSWD, the Office of the Local Civil Registrar, Child Caring/Placing Agencies may charge socialized fees to those who avail of the administrative adoption proceedings; and


  • Penalizes any person who will violate the provisions of this Act. The specific fine shall be based on violations stipulated under Section 36 of this Act
House of Representatives:

Substituted by HBN 8998, authored by Paul Ruiz Daxa, et al.






Senate of the Philippines: SBN 1933 in substitution of SB Nos.1070 and 1337, introduced by Senators Grace Poe, Ramon Bong Revilla, Jr., and Risa Hontiveros

Enacted into law on 06 January 2022 under Republic Act No. 116421 or the “Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child Care Act”














Domestic Adoption Position Paper















Domestic Adoption in House of Representatives







Domestic Adoption in Senate





III. The DSWD Legislative Liaison System

The DSWD Legislative Liaison System is in line with the instructions of the President to ensure early passage of the proposed National Budget for FY 2017, as well as to advance the President’s priority legislative agenda, all heads of departments, government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Government Financial Institutions (GFIs), and other government instrumentalities are directed to strengthen their respective liaison units and designate a legislative liaison officer with a rank not lower than Assistant Secretary.

The Department Legislative Liaison Office (DLLO) provides Department Legislative Liaison Officer with the needed technical and administrative support. It also promotes the DSWD’s Legislative agenda and other proposed legislative measures identified as urgent by the Executive Department through sustained day-to-day collaboration in both Houses of Congress. Further, the DLLO ensures harmonious relationships with legislators, Presidential Legislative Liaison Office (PLLO), Committee Secretaries, Chief of Staff, legislative staff, various stakeholders, and interest groups to generate maximum support to advance the DSWD’s Priority Legislation.